Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

My First Time Teaching

February 4, 2019

Before the class started in teaching and learning process we needs to considered about stimulus and response that will occurred in the classroom. Students will easily catch the learning process if they feel happy and have high motivation

We as a teacher also need to prepare our mentality and our self-confidence when teaching students. This will be obtained if the teacher truly understands what material will be delivered to students.
The first time I had taught students  in front of class made me really nervous before came to the class, I worried about I could not delivered the material well, or I was afraid to forget some of the material that I should delivered to students. Indeed Self-control is a very important thing to do.

This is also happening to me, when I want to teach the student, I will teach Grade 8 (Charles). Although I already had teaching pair previously with student teacher from CTE. But for teach individually this was my first time. I should have a practice before I come to the class, especially when I have a story telling in front of class I should be prepared it. about my expression, the way I spoke, and also memorized the text.

But when I entered the classroom seeing students faces, finally everything could be overcome slowly, I began to delivered the material from the beginning to the end in sequence according to the lesson plan I had made before.
In the class they also pay attention and if I asked question related to the material some of them already understood the material that was presented before.

The challenge for me is how to delivered the material with a different version and make them felt interested.
The experience of teaching is very pleasant, after this I hope that I will improve the way Im teaching and be better in the future.